The article focuses on animations as artistic forms that can be classified as part of the cultural resistance repertoire strongly present during the protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Jina Amini in September 2022. Two collections of short animated films are analysed – Mehran Sanei’s Instagram Onimations and the digital archive – Archive of Defiance, curated by Shahrzad Mojab and Afsaneh Hojabri. Symbolic communication, represented by both collections, is an integral element of any revolution. The aims of the article are to analyse the techniques, forms and specific features of animations used in creating artistic works for political purposes, to determine the function of animation as a form of protest communication, to define the role of both collections in resistance communication, and finally, to define the essence of social media action in transnational activism and in creating international support groups.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Agnieszka Dytman-Stasieńko

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