The author comprehensively analyzes the construction of the character of Josephine – the protagonist of the comic book series Fatale (2012–2014). Based on it, she draws conclusions regarding the protagonist’s subjectivity, the image of the family created on the pages of comic book history, and the gradual development of the heroine’s agency. The author shows that all these elements contribute to Josephine’s emancipation, which takes place in the series finale.
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Dyer Richard, Four Films of Lana Turner, „Movie” 1977/78, nr 25, s. 30–54.
Gledhill Christine, Klute 1: A Contemporary Film Noir and Feminist Criticism, [w:] Women in Film Noir, red. E. Ann Kaplan, BFI Pub., London 1998, s. 20–34.
Harvey Sylvia, Woman’s Place: The Absent Family of Film Noir, [w:] Women in Film Noir, red. E. Ann Kaplan, BFI Pub., London 1998, s. 35–46.
Martin Angela, ‘Gild Didn’t Do Any of Those Things You’ve Been Losing Sleep Over!’: The Central Women of 40s Film Noirs, [w:] Women in Film Noir, red. E. Ann Kaplan, BFI Pub., London 1998.
Mulvey Laura, Przyjemność wzrokowa a kino narracyjne, tłum. Jolanta Mach, [w:] Panorama współczesnej myśli filmowej, red. Alicja Helman, Universitas, Kraków 1992.
Place Janey, Women in Film Noir, [w:] Women in Film Noir, red. Kaplan E. Ann, BFI Pub., London 1998, s. 47–68.
Syska Rafał, Panorama kontekstów amerykańskiego noir, „Studia Filmoznawcze” 2010, t. 31, s. 23–51.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Klaudia Srul

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