Protecting the indigenous food sector through a quality system developed for agri-food
products is one of the forms in which Cuban agriculture is striving in its attempts to oppose
the effects of globalisation. Consequently, the current agricultural policy implemented in
Cuba aims at increasing the professionalism in the food sector, among others, through
the introduction of cyclical training of agricultural workers in the field of manufacturing
technologies developed for agriculture and by improving their professional qualifications,
as well as by an on-going programme of improving the state system of certification of
agri-food products, raising the quality standards of accredited laboratories set up for testing
food quality, as well as improving the work system certification, especially in the field of
the application of risk analysis techniques and the control of points that are critical to food
production. There are numerous sanctions provided for in the Cuban system for failure
to implement the recommended agricultural policy and the legislation implementing it.
They are contained in Decree No. 182 of 23 February 1998: “On the Standardisation and
Quality” and Decree No 267 of 3 September 1999: “Infringement o f the established rules
concerning standardisation and quality.” The author believes that the adopted regulation on the protection of the quality of agri-food products has contributed to the increase in the attractiveness of the Cuban agricultural sector and has also contributed to ensuring an adequate level of food quality and safety.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Miguel Antonio Balber Pérez, Maritza de la Caridad McCormack Bequer

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