The purpose of this article is to explain what academic and national libraries can do to continue to offer services and facilities at a time of economic difficulties. It identifies a number of methodologies and opportunities that are open to libraries and takes the view that it is never wise to waste a good crisis, because all threats are really opportunities in disguise. The article looks at the initial economic context for European research libraries and then examines ways in which libraries can tackle the threats which the current financial crisis poses. Joint procurement is one way in which libraries can achieve value for money, and the paper examines the role of JIS C Collections in the UK. Innovation through collaboration and shared services are also ways in which libraries can innovate/make savings in a cost-effective way by sharing the burden of costs around the partnership. The paper gives two examples: one which is now well established, the DART-Europe portal for Open Access e-theses; and one which is in the early stages of being discussed — a cloud-based solution for true collaborative cataloguing amongst the UK’s research and national libraries. The European Research Area (ERA) and the contributions that libraries can make to this infrastructure through innovative EU project funding are analysed in some detail by looking at LI BER’s EU project portfolio. Finally, change and growth can come through changes to legal frameworks, and the paper looks at the Hargreaves review of copyright frameworks in the UK and the launch of the new library-based EU lobbying group for copyright reform, Information Sans Frontières (IS F).References
Ayris P., Establishing the Library Landscape in Europe: LIBER’s Portfolio of EU projects, „LI BER Quarterly” 2011, t. 21.
„Economist”, 26.05.2011.
Estelle L., Big Deals and Alternative Business Models, wykład wygłoszony podczas dorocznego spotkania dyrektorów ds. informacji na uniwersytetach zrzeszonych w LERU (League of European Research Universities) w roku 2011, dostępny pod adresem: http://www.leru.org/index.php/public/extra/cio-28112011/.
Executive Summary (sprawozdanie dla zarządu).
Hill R., Moyle M., Investigating the Impact of e-Theses at DCU, prezentacja przedstawiona na dorocznej konferencji bibliotek zrzeszonych w LI BER w 2010 roku (LI BER Annual General Conference), http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/19955.
http://www.dart-europe.eu/browse-list.php?index=institution, http://www.darteurope.eu/browse-list.php?index=country.
Copyright (c) 2012 Paul Ayris
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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