Publishing activity and publications of the Michal Kachkovsky Society in the years 1875–1885: a general approach
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Educational activity in the 19th c. history of Ukrainian publishing movement
Eastern Galicia
popular literature
Russophilism in Eastern Galicia
Michal Kachkovsky Society

How to Cite

Sedliar, O. (2018). Publishing activity and publications of the Michal Kachkovsky Society in the years 1875–1885: a general approach. Biblioteka, (22(31), 87–106.

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The present article briefly discusses the publishing activity and publications (small size books published on a regular monthly basis) of the Ukrainian Michal Kachkovsky Society within the first ten years of its existence. The society, explicitly engaged in the Ukrainian national interests and Russophile position, was operating in Eastern Galicia (Eastern Poland) and was engaged in educational work and supportive activities in the interest of the local Ukrainians (Ruthenians) from both city and rural environments. The main executive form of the society was to publish and promulgate popular brochures widely in accordance with the pursued agenda by the society. The authors of the brochures were mostly amateurs, thought the subjects raised were many and varied. The subjects included a number of different areas ofknowledge, popularised subject themes and encouraged further reading.

At the beginning of the 1880s, domestic political struggle became inextricably connected with the political friction in the region. Regional authorities started to oppose more and more strongly any pro-Russian undertakings, which, accordingly, had its impact on the profile of the editorial activity of the Society. Yet another important factor enhancing the effects of the change in the attitude was the increase in the social activity of the population and the following significant increase in the number of readers. In addition, the offer proposed from other competitive educational organisations, both Polish and Ukrainian, had its own share in the resulting situation.
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