The battle of Kumanovo traditionally passes as the most important clash of the Serbian and the Ottoman armies in the First Balkan War. The analysis of the military potential of both parties to the conflict, the weapons used by both armies, the positioning of forces, the battle plans and their realizations made possible a new interpretation of the course of the battle and its real meaning. In the light of recent studies, as it turned out, the command of the first Serbian Army not only did not predict the fight to take place near Kumanovo, but it was also unaware of the military operations happening near Kumanovo until the end of the first day of the battle. The ultimate success of the Serbian Army in the battle came more as a result of a lucky coincidence and the actions of the commanding line officers, rather than conscious military operations of the Serbian command, which did not join in the battle until its final stage. As a result of the battle of Kumanovo, the Ottoman Vardar army commanded by Zeki Pasha, which was the strongest one at the site, indeed suffered large losses and was forced to retreat, however, it was not the ultimate defeat. The later battles of Kratovo and Kočani and especially of Prilep and Monastir proved to be decisive. The myth of Kumanovo as a decisive battle of the war served as dynastic propaganda for the Karađorđević and namely, for the current heir to the throne, Aleksander, who formally, assumed command of the fighting troops. The myth was established, though, and also nowadays, the battle of Kumanovo is treated as a symbol of Serbian victory, as, among other things the ceremonies held in 2012 at the 100th anniversary of the battle prove.References
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