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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The author provides two versions of the file: a full version with all author details and an anonymous one (with all author data deleted).
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Editorial guidelines for paper proposals in Glottodidactica


Glottodidactica appears twice a year. Articles, reviews and conference reports can be submitted throughout the year in English, German or French.

Articles should be 12–18 pages long (including references), 1800 characters per page. Reviews and reports should be 3–5 pages long.

All page margins should be 2.5 cm.

We accept papers which have been proofread by a native speaker of a given language. All papers qualified for publishing are fed into anti-plagiarism software.

The article should be divided into at least three main, entitled sections, e.g.:

  • Introduction that presents the theoretical background to the paper and the knowledge gap which the paper intends to fill;
  • Research methodology and findings;
  • Conclusions.
  • Obligatory content: Abstract in English and Polish, keywords in English and in the language of the article, funding acknowledgement, a list of references

    Paper proposal header
  • Line spacing in this part should be 1;
  • At the top the author’s name and surname should be given (Times New Roman, 14 pt, capital letters, centered);
  • Below: the author’s affiliation in English (Times New Roman, 10 pt, centered);
  • Below: e-mail address (Times New Roman, 10 pt, centered);
  • Below ORCID number (Times New Roman, 10 pt, centered);
  • Below: the title of the paper (Times New Roman, 14 pt, centered, boldface, paragraph spacing before: 36, after: 24 (for MS Word);
  • Below: the title of the paper in English if the original title is formulated in a different language (Times New Roman, 14 pt, centered, paragraph spacing before: 24, after: 24 for MS Word);
  • Abstract in English should be preceded by the term ABSTRACT. The abstract should be max. 200 words long (Times New Roman, 10 pt, justified, paragraph spacing after: 6). The abstract should contain:
    the aim of the study (knowledge gap), information about the analyzed data and method(s) of the analysis; results of the analysis;
  • Keywords in English should be preceded by the term KEYWORDS. Keywords should include 4–8 words separated by a comma, the line should finish with a full stop (Times New Roman, 10 pt, justified, paragraph spacing after: 6); after the word KEYWORDS place a colon – KEYWORDS:
  • Keywords in the language of the article should be preceded with the equivalent of the term KEYWORDS in the language of the article, e.g. MOTS CLEFS. Keywords should include 4–8 words separated by comma, the line should finish with a full stop (Times New Roman, 10 pt, justified, paragraph spacing after: 6); after the word MOTS CLEFS place a colon – MOTS CLEFS:
  • abstract in Polish;
  • After titles and headings please do not use a full stop.



    Uniwersytet im.



    Défis méthodologiques......... 

    Methodological challenges ........


    ABSTRACT. The aim of the text is to discuss some issues related to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    KEYWORDS: Language, design, analysis, teacher, source data, activities.

    MOTS CLEFS: Langue, de formation, activités.

    Main text
  • The main text should be separated from keywords with 3 enters;
  • The main text: Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified, line spacing: 1.5; paragraph spacing: 0, paragraph indentation: 1.25;
  • Each new paragraph indentation should be 1.25;
  • Headings should be numbered (please use manual numbering, do not use automatic numbering). Use only Arabic numerals;
  • Numbering of headings should start with 1. (Times New Roman, 12 pt, boldface, centered, capital letters), paragraph spacing before and after: 12, paragraph pagination “keep with next”, no paragraph indentation;
  • The hierarchy of headings should not be lower than three levels, e.g., 1.1.1.;
  • Please limit the use of footnotes. If a footnote is necessary, use Times New Roman, 10 pt, justified, line spacing: 1, paragraph spacing: 0, no paragraph indentation for footnotes. The text finishes with a full stop;
  • Lines of a numbered list should start with a capital letter and finish with a full stop;
  • Paragraph indentation in a numbered list should be 0.5 cm (set in Paragraph section), line spacing: 1.5, other parameters should be set at 0;
  • Lines in a bulleted list should start with a small letter and finish with a comma. The last line should finish with a full stop;
  • Paragraph indentation in a bulleted list should be 0.5 cm (set in Paragraph section), line spacing: 1.5, other parameters should be set at 0;
  • Round brackets ( ) are preferred. Use square brackets [ ] only for author’s comments in citations or examples, e.g., to mark deleted fragments of citations or examples […]. Please avoid co-occurring brackets, in such a case, please replace brackets with commas;
  • Please remember about the rules applicable for dashes and hyphens, e.g., well-known vs. pages 123–133;
  • Use italics to emphasize terms in foreign languages, e.g., in Latin;
  • Please check if there are no double spaces in the text.
  • If examples run throughout the text, number them consecutively.
  • If glosses are necessary in such examples, use the Leipzig Glossing Guidelines.
  • For scripts other than Latin, please use transliteration, e.g.
  • use a comma after the abbreviations: e.g., i.e., 

Tables and figures

  • Tables and figures should be included in the text and also sent in a separate file;
  • Text in tables: Times New Roman, 10 pt, line spacing: 1, paragraph spacing: 0;
  • Tables and figures should be numbered, accompanied by a caption (Times New Roman, 10 pt, italics, justified, paragraph spacing after: 6). Please spell out the word Table (Table / Tabelle; Figure / Abbildung, Diagramm) in captions;
  • the caption for tables should be placed above the relevant table but below a figure, illustration, or chart;
  • All table borders should be visible;
  • There should be no blank cells in the table. In the case no inscription is necessary in a given cell, put a hyphen (-) or digit 0 there;
  • Do not use footnotes for a table, create a legend instead;
  • Please check the quality of pictures in printout;
  • Image resolution of photos and scans should be min. 300 DPI;
  • Authors are reminded that most illustrations are printed in grayscale. This is why we ask authors to use color schemes that can be differentiated in black and white print or use other differentiating factors, e.g., different patterns (dots, lines)
  • Figures, charts, diagrams should be developed in a uniform font, preferably the Ariel sans-serif font;
  • Figures, tables or illustrations must not exceed 125 mm/190 mm in size.
  • References to the sources in the main text should be inserted as in the examples below:
    Kowalska (2006: 52) states that …,
    Kowalska and/und Kowalski (2007: 17),
    Kowalska and/und Kowalski (2007: 17),
    To differentiate between authors with the same surname, use their names’ initial letters, e.g., J. Kowalska (2009: 1), A. Kowalska (2010: 2);
  • If there are two authors of a cited publication, please give both names and the year of publication in brackets;
  • If the authors’ names are given in brackets, separate them with the sign &, e.g., This theory is very popular with children (Kowalski & Kowalska 2016: 123);
  • In the case of citing from secondary sources, please follow the example: This theory is very popular with children (Kowalski 2008, after/zit. nach Smith 2009: 145);
  • If there are 3–5 authors of the publication, name all of them in the references; in the main text use only the surname of the first author with “et al.” and the year of the publication, e.g. Wożniak et al. (2019) claim that/ (Woźniak et al. 2019).
  • There should be a space between the colon after the year and page number;
  • Avoid giving full titles of publications in the main text, put them only in the reference list;
  • Short citations (till 3 lines) should be inserted in the main text using quotation marks. Do not use italics there;
  • Inside double quotation marks use single quotation marks to mark another citation;
  • For citations longer than 3 lines use Times New Roman, 10 pt, paragraph spacing before and after: 6, line spacing: 1, the indentation on both sides: 1.25, no quotation marks.

The paper should acknowledge any funding that supported writing it, if applicable. The funding agency should be written out in full, followed by the grant number in square brackets: The author(s) disclose receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the National Agency for Erasmus+ in Poland [grant number xxx].


  • References should be preceded with a heading (not numbered) called accordingly: References, Literaturverzeichnis (German) (Times New Roman, 12 pt, capital letters, centered, boldface);
  • References should be set out in the alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames. In the case of citing more than one publication of the same author, the surname should be repeated as well;
  • surnames of the type van Lier, van Dijk are placed in the order of the surname, i.e. Lier van, E. (2017);
  • there are no spaces between name initials;
  • where there are two publishing places, give both separated by a slash: London / New York.
  • when there are more than two publishing places, list only the first one and the remaining ones replace with the abbreviation et al., e.g. Wien et al.: Anonymous Verlag.
  • If a title in the reference uses non-Latin letters, please insert in square brackets its transliteration (use e.g.
  • The DOI number of the publication should be given in full (starting from https: //... ) if it is known. 
  • For items in the references list use Times New Roman, 10 pt, line spacing: 1, hanging indentation: 0.5, each item finishes with a full stop;
  • providing the date of accessing a particular online source is not required.
  • when citating other electronic sources (e.g. social media posts, online forums, Tik-Tok videos, memes, blogs, works of art, films, TED lectures, YouTube videos, etc.) authors are obliged to consult the rules with the guidelines under the tab: Online media or Audiovisual media at: Reference examples (
  • when using artificial intelligence tools (e.g. GPT chat, Bing chat, etc.), authors are obliged to indicate the relevant passages and the extent to which these tools are used by means of a footnote, e.g. Paragraph written with the help of GPT chat to structure the line of argumentation/ to proofread language. If an entire paragraph was composed by means of such tools, indicate the author/source in brackets, e.g. (Chat GPT: 26.07.2023). The editors reserve the right to check submitted manuscripts with appropriate artificial intelligence abuse detection tools.

Reference list: Examples

  • Books
    Surname, N.A. (year). Book’s title. Place of publication: Publishing house.
    Pfeiffer, W.S. (2001). Nauka języków obcych. Od praktyki do praktyki. Poznań: Wagros.

    Book’s title. Place of publication: Publishing house.
    Fulcher, G.Z. / Davidson, F. (2007). Language testing and assessment: An advanced resource book. New York et al.: Routledge.

    In titles of books published in English, only the first word and all words requiring capital letters, including proper names and nationality adjectives, should be capitalized.
  • An article in a collective work
    Surname, N. (year). Chapter’s title. In: N. Surname (ed. /eds. or Hrsg.), Book’s title (pp. X–Y / S. X–Y). Place of publication: Publishing house.
    Bryant, J. (1989). Message features and entertainment effects. In: J.J. Bradac (ed.), Message effects in communication science (pp./S. 231–262). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
    Knapp-Potthoff, A. (1997). Interkulturelle Kommunikationsfähigkeit als Lernziel. In: A. Knapp-Potthoff / M.S. Liedke (Hrsg.), Aspekte interkultureller Kommunikationsfähigkeit (S. 181–205). Frankfurt (O.): Iudicium.
  • An article in a journal
    Surname, N. (year). Article’s title. Journal’s Title, volume number(issue number), page numbers.
    Garramone, G.M. (1985). Effects of negative political advertising: The roles of sponsor and rebuttal. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 29(2), 149–159.
    Sobis, I. / Junjan, V. / de Vries, M.S. (2016). Polish plumbers and Romanian strawberry pickers: How the populist framing of EU migration impacts national policies. Migration and Development, 5(3), 431–454. DOI:

In titles of articles published in English, only the first word and all proper names should be capitalized. In titles of journals published in English, all words except for articles and prepositions should be capitalized, as in the examples above.

  • Electronic sources

    Kowalski J. (2017) Biznes plan.
    Do not use hyperlinks.

We would like all papers submitted for publication to be proofread by a native speaker of the language in which the paper is written.

The References have been prepared taking into account  APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition. In case of doubt refer to Reference examples (

In case of further doubt, you can contact:

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