The article presents the many dilemmas concerning the status of English language-and-culture (as a conjoint phenomenon) and the approach to teach it in a non-native environment. It especially focuses on the alternatives of teaching English as a foreign or as an international language, pointing to the problems relating to the choice of any of these particular frameworks.
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Erling, Elizabeth J., 2005, The many names of English. In: English Today 81,21,1: 40-44.
Hoffman, Eva, 1995, Zagubione w przekładzie. Londyn: Aneks.
Janicki, Karol, 1982, The foreigner's language in a sociolinguistic perspective, Poznań: UAM.
Jenkins, Jennifer, 2006, Current Perspectives on Teaching World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca. In: TESOL Quarterly 40:157-181.
Kramsch, Claire, 1998, The provilidge of the intercultural speaker. In Michael Byram Michael
Fleming (eds.), Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 16-31.
McArthur, Tom, 1999, World or International or Global English - and what is it anyway? In: English Today, (available at http://digital.Georgetown.edu/gurt/1999/gurt_1999_30.pdf, 3.05.2007).
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Wierzbicka, Anna, 1969, The Double Life of a Bilingual: a Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Michael Bond (ed.), Working at the Interface of Culture: Eighteen lives in social science, London:
Routledge, pp. 113-125, (available at: http://une.edu.au/ld/nsm/pdf/Double_life.pdf, 3.05.2007).
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