Uniformed service officers’ age as a variable differentiating the perception of counterproductive work behaviors
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Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)
uniformed service

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Szeliga-Duchnowska , A., & Szewczyk, M. . (2018). Uniformed service officers’ age as a variable differentiating the perception of counterproductive work behaviors. Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja, 14(2), 205–219. https://doi.org/10.14746/kse.2018.14.15


Szeliga-Duchnowska Anna, Szewczyk Mirosława, Uniformed
service officers’ age as a variable differentiating
the perception of counterproductive work behaviors. „Kultura
– Społeczeństwo – Edukacja” nr 2(14) 2018, Poznań
2018, pp. 205–219, Adam Mickiewicz University Press.
ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2018.14.15.
At the foundation of this research lies the belief that the
age can directly differentiate the perception of counterproductive
work behaviors. The aim of the article is to
identify and present the relationship between age and
the perception of counterproductive work behaviors. The
survey research was carried out in June 2017, with the
use of Internet-based survey questionnaire (CAWI). There
were altogether 198 officers examined. The results confirm
the existence of variety counterproductive behaviors according
to the classification proposed by P.E. Spector. The
analysis results confirm the appearance of dependence between
the age of officers and their perception of counterproductive
behaviors. The conclusions which come from
the research can have significant implications to superiors
in the scope of prophylactic actions aimed against counterproductive

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