This article aims to examine and make recommendations to the initial assessment procedures in Adult Education context in the United Kingdom. Teachers and learners are constantly making opinions about their development, and formative assessment is one of the tools used to recognise it. In Adult Education, in addition to formative assessment, learners are expected to undergo initial assessment, testing their level of knowledge/abilities in Language, Literacy or Numeracy. Within the Adult Education context, there are several initial assessment methods available. However, it is the providers who decide which methods are most appropriate for their learners, as different methods may be appropriate in different areas. This research project focuses on an Adult Education provider based in the Midlands, United Kingdom, and offers findings that test and sometimes refute the current theory about initial assessment. Two research methods were employed to achieve the aim and objectives. Firstly, secondary data was researched. Secondly, the qualitative primary data was collected using in-depth focus groups. The research included both practitioners and learners who either conducted or experienced needs analysis processes in the adult learning context. The findings and recommendations of this article propose the use of a more ethical and reliable way of conducting initial assessment in the Adult and Community Learning context.
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