Horyzontalna i wertykalna postać „indywidualizmu – kolektywizmu” a wartości
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horizontal and vertical “individualism – collectivism”


Czerniawska, M. . (2020). Horyzontalna i wertykalna postać „indywidualizmu – kolektywizmu” a wartości. Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja, 18(2), 275–291. https://doi.org/10.14746/kse.2020.18.11.1


The presented study compares a link between two constructs: “individualism – collectivism” and values. The first construct takes into consideration horizontal and vertical orientation (equality and hierarchy respectively) (Triandis). The description of the second construct accounts for nineteen types of values located on two bipolar dimensions: “conservatism – openness to change” and “self-transcendence – self-enhancement” (Schwartz). The question about the relation between types of values and described horizontal and vertical orientations of individualism and collectivism is posed. The sample consists of 368 students. The results show that the differentiation of mentality on the “individualism – collectivism” dimension with its horizontal and vertical orientation is linked to the differentiation of types of values on the “conservatism – openness to change”. After accounting for horizontal “individualism – collectivism” and vertical “individualism – collectivism” and their relation to the second dimension of type of values (self-transcendence – self- enhancement) the results are not consistent.

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