Attitudes of parents and children towards people with disabilities and their integration into society
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attitudes towards disability
types of disability
interdisciplinary transfer
symbolic interaction
ecological model


Fuchs, H. (2021). Attitudes of parents and children towards people with disabilities and their integration into society. Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja, 20(2), 91–109.


This study is part of a broader study that examined the correlation between cognitive, psychological, and behavioural abilities in parents and their children. It focuses on the correlations between attitude to disability and the integration of people with disabilities among parents and their children. This study is a two-part integrated study. In the first part, the data were collected and analysed according to a quantitative methodology to examine access to disabilities, the integration of people with disabilities, and the factors that influence attitudes, feelings, and willingness to integrate with the general population. In the second part, the data were collected and analysed according to a qualitative methodology in order to examine the relationship of attitudes of parents and their children towards people with disabilities and the integration of people with disabilities.
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