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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The author accepts the Author Guidelines adopted in theKultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja journal.
  • Articles published in the journal Kultura-Society-Edukacja, on the Pressto platform belonging to the Adam Mickiewicz University Adam Mickiewicza in Poznań are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivative Works 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license.

Author Guidelines

I. Basic requirements
1. The article should be submitted electronically through the Pressto system ( in MS Word doc. or docx. file format. In this system, it will be necessary for new authors to create an account. This allows you to monitor the status of your submission at various stages of editing. Should you have any further questions concerning the text submission process, please send them to the editorial secretary, Dr Bozena Kanclerz, at
2. Two files are uploaded to Pressto: The first file with the text TO REVIEW is uploaded in Pressto (this requires removing the author data from the text, the metadata of the text file, and any data in the text that makes it possible for the reviewer to identify the author). The second file should contain the author's data, affiliation and ORCID number. It is used for publishing purposes.
3. Both texts should be attached in doc. or docx. file format with the following conditions:
- Footnotes in the text APA style version 7 ( author's name, year)
- Bibliography APA style 7 ( Długosz-Kurczabowa, K., & Dubisz, S. (2006). Gramatyka historyczna języka polskiego. University of Warsaw Publishing House.)
- A4 of standard typescript (margins: 25 mm), font Times New Roman, 12 points, spacing 1.5 lines, no automatic word division.
4. The typeface of the supplementary material (tables, footnotes, captions) should be 2 points smaller than that of the main text (10 points). The maximum width of tables and figures is 12.5 cm in the vertical layout and 18 cm in the horizontal layout.
5. The author's first and last name in the upper left corner, below it the affiliation; the title of the text centered and in bold (in the version for publication).
6. The electronic version of the article should include an abstract and keywords (maximum 5 terms) in English (both in the version for publication and in the version for review).
7. Abstracts in English should be prepared by the author on his/her own. They should be an abridged version of the article. The volume of the text of each of the attached abstracts should not exceed 200 words. The title of the article should be placed above the text of the abstracts (in the case of abstracts in English, the title should also be translated into English).
8. When using any materials from other publications, the regulations of copyright law should be observed.

II. Main text
1. Paragraphs should begin with an indentation that is the same throughout the document (using the ruler or the paragraph formatting box).
2. Precise quotations should be inserted using "print" quotation marks. A quotation within a quote is indicated by "French" quotation marks. French inverted commas should be inserted from the character table (command: insert symbol). A separate paragraph with a smaller typeface may also be used.
3. The lexis in question is written in slanted type (italics).
4. The following are also written in italics: titles of printed works (O dobrej i złej polszczyźnie, Kamienie na szaniec), foreign language interjections (a propos, ex lege), Latin systematic names (Corvus corvus), Italian musical terms (legato). 5. Parts of the text may be highlighted in bold or boldface. Underlining is not used. Combining several types of distinctions should also be avoided. Distinctions should be used uniformly and consistently within a given work.

Articles are to be provided with a short abstract with a list of key words. Texts have to include literature and footnotes with a one system of numbers through out the whole text. Works cited are to use the following pattern:
- Books: 
V. J. Williams Jr., "Rethinking Race. Franz Boas and His Contemporaries", The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington 2006
- Articles: 
F. Baldissera, Telling Bodies, Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, 2009, Band 18, Heft 1, p. 93-106.
- Texts published in magazines with the character of edited works are to be treated as articles
- Texts in edited works:
J. Clammer, Colonialism and the Perception of Tradition in Fiji, [in:] Anthropology & the Colonial Encounter, T. Asad (ed.), Ithaca Press, New York 1973 p. 199-220.
- Unpublished works:
J. Drozdowicz, Pomiędzy ladino a indio. Współczesne oblicze samoidentyfikacji Majów w Gwatemali, unpublished MA thesis, Poznań 2002.
- Internet sources have to include the initial of the author's name and full last name, title in italics, address of the web page and the date of the entry
- footnotes may include Latin abbreviations such as ibidem, op. cit, etc.

We recommend the support of experienced librarians from the Department of Information and Knowledge Transfer of the Library of the Adam Mickiewicz University.

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Names and email adresses included in the journal will be used only for specific editorial reasons and will not be used otherwise.