Education and the Occupational Situation of Youth in Morocco. Threats and Opportunities?
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labor market

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Johnsson, E. (2021). Education and the Occupational Situation of Youth in Morocco. Threats and Opportunities?. Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja, 20(2), 375–389.


The aim of this article is to present the threats and opportunities in the fields of education and the professional situation of Moroccans, especially young people who both try to find their place on the local labor market and emigrate mainly to Western European countries, largely to France, Spain and Italy, seeking stabilization. The recent reforms and unilateral or multilateral initiatives of international consortia, governments, agencies, and non-governmental organizations operating globally and locally are a chance to create a most stable labor market for young people. Often these are micro-scale activities, but the activation and professional support on a micro scale may translate into the effects of improving quality on a macro scale, throughout the country. This article was prepared on the basis of international reports of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), UNESCO, EU national studies, articles and press reports as well as information on the home pages of institutions and organizations such as USAID (United States Agency for International Development) or NED (The National Endowment for Democracy)
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