In the Light of the Above (cursory) Analysis: a Study of Photography in Witold Wirpsza’s Comments to Photographs
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photography and poetry
Witold Wirpsza
The Family of Man

How to Cite

Zalewski, C. (2021). In the Light of the Above (cursory) Analysis: a Study of Photography in Witold Wirpsza’s Comments to Photographs. Porównania, 28(1), 185–212.


The article presents the method of linking photography and poetry on the example of four poems from Witold Wirpsza’s Komentarze do fotografii The Family of Man. Three areas of mutual interactions have been distinguished and analyzed: (a) the principle of functioning of the photo-textual diptych and the role of the poetic description; (b) the principle of formal analogy according to which some parameters of the lyrical monologue are derived from the formal proprieties of photos; and – the most important – (c) the principle of transformation of compositional meanings. It consists of the two-stage intervention: the poetic text first tries to neutralize the visual compositional meanings (negative phase), and then creates its own interpretation of the photography (positive phase).
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