This article is an attempt to consider superhero movies as a developing genre of popular cinema. The theory is based on Rick Altman’s “Semantic/Syntactic/Pragmatic” approach to genre. It tries to capture features of superhero blockbusters and their main themes – the most distinctive trait of this genre, according to the author of the text, is supposed to be the relationship between an individual, their “power” and society. The text is both an extension of and a counter-proposal to conclusions made by Tomasz Żaglewski in Kinowe uniwersum superbohaterów.
Altman R., Gatunki filmowe, przeł. M. Zawadzka, Warszawa 2012
Brown J.A., The Modern Superhero in Film and Television. Popular Genre and American Culture, Routledge, New York, London 2017
Gavaler C., The Imperial Superhero, „PS: Political Science and Politics” vol. 47, nr 1, Cambridge 2014
Hyman D., Revision and the Superhero Genre, New York 2017
Jeffries D., Comic Book Film Style, Austin 2017
Satrapi M., Persepolis, przeł. W. Nowicki, Warszawa 2015
Waid M., Ross A., Kingdom Come – Przyjdź królestwo, przeł. M. Drewnowski, Warszawa 2005
Żaglewski T., Kinowe uniwersum superbohaterów, Warszawa 2017
Prawa autorskie (c) 2020 Krzysztof Czyżak

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