Acquisition by foreigners of shares in companies owning agricultural real estate
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agricultural real estate
trade in agricultural real estate
Act on shaping the agricultural system
Polish legal system

How to Cite

Łobos-Kotowska, D. (2018). Acquisition by foreigners of shares in companies owning agricultural real estate. Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, (1(22), 27–39.


The subject of this article is restrictions on the acquisition by foreigners of shares in companies that are owners (perpetual usufructuaries) of agricultural real estate under the Polish legal system. Poland, similarly to some other EU Member States, has restricted the freedom to trade in real estate and introduced control over this trade through the use of instruments from the private as well as public law sphere. The degree of interference by the Polish legislator in trading in shares of commercial companies has been assessed basing on the Act on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners and the Act on the shaping of the agricultural system.
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