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Author Guidelines

The Editors of “Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication” presents the following guidelines to authors concerning the content and formatting of the text:

  1. We accept previously unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere scholarly articles in the field of film and media studies no more than 40,000 characters with spaces long. Submissions are accepted for two sections: related to the thematic issue and Varia. Call for the second one is continuous and limited (for Varia we prefer texts in English, although Polish is also acceptable).
  2. The recommended way to submit a text is to use the internal PRESSto system – register or log in to an existing account and follow the guidelines of the university platform. An alternative way to submit a text is to send it along with any required files to the e-mail address or to the addresses of the Editors of each issue.
  3. When submitting a text via one of the pathways mentioned above, the author should additionally attach a form detailing all the necessary information, such as affiliation, ORCID number, biographical note, keywords, alphabetical bibliography of the article etc.
  4. The author’s entry of the text into the system or submission of the text to the e-mail address is considered tantamount to his/her assurance that he/she owns all copyrights and property rights to the text and that the article is free of any legal defects. In addition, the author agrees to the free publication of the text in “Images”, which is only possible after completing the entire review and editorial process (double-blind review).
  5. The submission, including the article, abstract and bibliography (supplemented by DOI numbers of the cited texts), should be accompanied by the title, biography and keywords (please provide a maximum of six) in two languages (Polish and English). The abstract (800 to 1000 characters with spaces) should be attached only in English. If the text was written in English, all additional elements must be submitted in English as well. Authors are required to include their ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) profile number, which allows tracking the scientific achievements of a given author on the Internet, and to state their affiliation in the bio. Please formulate the author’s note (bio) in the third person singular.
  6. If the text is about specific filmmakers or films, the author should include the director’s name and the title of the film among the keywords.
  7. If the author uses any photos or graphics that add variety to or are part of his work, it should be noted who is the creator of the enclosed materials. The responsibility for the respect of copyright regarding submitted illustrative material rests entirely with the authors of the articles.
  8. it is the author’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate permission for their use.
  9. The Editors reserve the right to make appropriate editorial corrections in articles.
  10. The author is obliged to carry out correction within the time set by the editor of the given volume. Failure to comply with this recommendation is tantamount to the author’s consent to publish the text in unaltered form.
  11. The author does not receive a fee for the publication of the article. There is also no submission fee.
  12. Submission of the text is tantamount to consent to the inclusion of the authors data and information about the article in the databases in which “Images” is indexed.
  13. At the request of the author one printed copy of the journal “Images” in which their article was included is sent out free of charge. All texts included in a given volume can be found on the journal's website. The authors may dispose of the file with their text at their own discretion.
  14. Guidelines for writing the main text:
    • font – Times New Roman, 12 points; line spacing 1.5; docx format
    • titles – italics
    • quotations – quotation marks: “abc def”
    • quotations longer than three lines – font – 10 point, double interlineation marks
    • quotes inside other quotes – “abc «def» ghi”
    • do not introduce unnecessary formatting (especially writing in verse); this note also applies to the title of the text
  15. Footnotes:
    • bottom footnotes should be used
    • font – Times New Roman, 10 points, interlineation 1
    • Latin forms (e.g. ibidem, idem, cit.)
    • abbreviations – page (p.) or number (no.)
    • example: P. Monaco, A History of American Movies. A Film-by-Film Look at the Art, Craft, and Bussiness of Cinema, Lanham, New York, Plymouth, UK 2010, pp. 217-218.
  16. Bibliography:
    • Please use full surname and first name (f. e. Kierkegaard Søren, Stages of Direct Eroticism, or Musical Eroticism, [in:] Either-Or, transl. J. Iwaszkiewicz, Warsaw 1981.).
    • If the author uses websites, he is obliged to indicate in a footnote the full link to it and the date of access: Książek Roman, Hollywood and contexts, no. 59, "Dwutygodnik" 2011, (accessed: 27.05.2022 y.)
    • If the book was edited by more than three authors, only the first three should be named.
    • When citing an article from a critical or scolarly journal, the following bibliographical notation applies: Kołodyński Andrzej, Closed Circle, "Film" 1979, no. 15, pp. 18-19.
    • If a magazine uses double numbering (annual and continuous), note both numbers in its index: Lubelski Tadeusz, Writing About Film as a (Neglected) Field of Study, no. 85 (145), "Film Quarterly" 2014, pp. 246-249.
    • When constructing the bibliography, it should be remembered that in case of very long articles (of dozens of pages) from scholarly journals, it is advisable to indicate the number of page from which the citation is taken.
  17. Guidelines for third-party works, photos and other graphic materials:
    • According to the rules of the "Images" Editorial Board, the responsibility for the respect of copyright regarding submitted illustrative material rests entirely with the authors of the articles.
    • The only formats in which the Editor accepts visual materials are TIFF, PNG, JPG or JPEG.
    • Uncompressed photos should be attached in high resolution (300 dpi). Ideally, their weight should exceed the value of 1 MB, and if they are to occupy an entire page – they should weigh at least 2.5 MB.
    • Photos (e.g., drawing, maps, charts) should be numbered and accompanied by an appropriate caption. Descriptions of photos are placed in a separate WORD file.
    • If the author wishes to include other types of material (e.g., animations), he is obliged to consult with the editors of the volume.
    • Photographs authored or quoted should be accompanied by the name of the photographer, the source and, if there is one, the title of the photo.
    • Each film frame should be signed with the title of the film, the name of the director in full and a brief description interpreting the scene.
    • The article in its final version should include all quoted illustrations in the correct places and include relevant descriptions of them, as this provides a layout template for “Images” editorial graphic designer. In addition, please attach all visuals in separate files.



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