Cinemas for Germans in occupied Krakow in comparison with cinemas for Poles: repertoire policy and audience’s film preferences
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cinema of the Third Reich
cinema under German occupation
General Government
World War II
audience's film preferences

How to Cite

Dębski, A. (2023). Cinemas for Germans in occupied Krakow in comparison with cinemas for Poles: repertoire policy and audience’s film preferences. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 32(41), 199–219.


Research on film culture in the General Government has not yet addressed the issue of Germans going to cinemas. This article aims to ll this gap. But the topic is particularly interesting from a comparative perspective, both in relation to the film offerings in cinemas for Germans and Poles and the film tastes of the two audience groups, which in the period before the outbreak of the World War II were characterized by distinct preference profiles. This article compares the film offer and film preferences of Germans and Poles in Krakow, which was the capital of the General Government. This issue is presented against the background of more recent research on the functioning of cinemas and film distribution in the Third Reich, as well as archival material relating to the General Government.
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