The article aims to analyse the phenomenon of a Norwegian Internet-TV show for teenage audiences, Skam (2015–2017). The transmedia storytelling used in this production resulted in unforeseen international acclaim, subsequently leading to the creation of local remakes of the series. The article will outline the main issues that the show has dealt with, as well as the immersion-building narrative solutions used by the creators. Moreover, it will discuss Skam’s reception by Norwegian and international audiences, and suggest potential directions for the future development of this format.
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Leszkiewicz A., Skam, interrupted: why is the phenomenally popular teen drama ending before its peak?, „New Statesman” 2017, <https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/tv-radio/2017/06/skam-interrupted-why-phenomenally-popular-teen-drama-ending-its-peak>
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Max D.T., „SKAM”, the radical teen drama that unfolds one post at a time, „New Yorker” 2018, <https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/06/18/skam-the-radical-teen-drama-that-unfolds-one-post-at-a-time>
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2020 Małgorzata Mączko

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