This paper is first of all informative. In the first section, it gives a survey of
innovative Master Studies for European secondary teachers, being prepared
by an international team from eight countries. Among five main training
areas, there are Intercultural Studies, which are to be implemented in
another country during a mobility semester. The second section of the paper
describes briefly four intercultural modules developed in the EMETT
Studies: Education systems in the European Union, Intercultural communication,
Selected aspects of European culture and Intercultural education.
The third part of the paper gives an example of the teaching material which
can be used to raise students’ intercultural awareness. The material is based
on a literary text made into a contemporary play, focused on the universal
theme of a journey, set in the Polish Tatra Mts. The author of the paper
shows how such a material can combine elements of three intercultural
modules: Intercultural education, Intercultural communication and Selected
aspects of European culture. Finally, the paper points out the role of a language
of international communication in the implementation of EMETT
Studies during the mobility semester.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2010 Anna Niżegorodcew
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