O źródłach motywacji w kontekście edukacji językowej dorosłych

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Róg, T. . (2019). O źródłach motywacji w kontekście edukacji językowej dorosłych. Neofilolog, (37), 121–132. https://doi.org/10.14746/n.2011.37.10


This paper concerns the teaching of foreign languages to adults with special attention given to the concept of motivation. The present author wishes to present the findings of his small-scale research done on a group of adults and their teachers as regards the sources of motivation in the context of adult language instruction. To begin with, an overview of the notion of mo-tivation is followed by its typology and current state of knowledge about teaching languages to adults is briefly outlined. The second part of the arti-cle demonstrates the procedure and results of the study.



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