Jugendliterarische Werke im interkulturellen, medienintegrativen Litertaturunterricht
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literary and language teaching
intercultural literary
language and media learning
juvenile books
young-adult books

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Kuzminykh, K. (2018). Jugendliterarische Werke im interkulturellen, medienintegrativen Litertaturunterricht. Glottodidactica, 45(1), 85–104. https://doi.org/10.14746/gl.2018.45.1.06


The article starts with a discussion of the essential theories of reading and focuses on different models of understanding. In the next step, based on fragments taken from a novel by M. Zusak, the article develops an integrative literary and language teaching model in intercultural school lessons of literature in a way which stimulates a highly functional analytical, receptive and productive handling of language semantics and performance. It demonstrates the combination of literature and film as a possibility for successful literary, language and media learning.

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