The focus of this article are independent digital horror games and their characteristics; the goal was to briefly describe the independent horror scene and highlight some of the artistic and technical trends which manifest themselves in the titles belonging to that scene. Due to the sheer number of available games, the scope of the paper is narrowed down to only selected characteristics and trends distinguishable in game texts published between the years 2010 and 2020. The aim of the article is to present a selection of observations and conclusions concerning the independent games scene and to hopefully point to what these games can tell scholars about the way both the players and the developers perceive the horror genre.
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(indie_games_studio, 2019)
Der Unbekannte Krieg (Kriegsgraben und Stormvogel, 2011)
Albedo (ApeStudios, 2019)
Aloorees (dpStudios, 2019)
Amnesia: Dark Descent (Frictional Games, 2010)
Amnesia: Rebirth (Frictional Games, 2020)
Anatomy (Kitty Horrorshow, 2016)
Bad Dream: Graveyard (desertfoxsoftware, 2013)
Baldi’s Basics (Basically Games, 2018)
The Banshee (Venous, 2020)
BlindSide (epicycle, 2012)
Boogeyman (Barry McCabe, 2015, Clockwork Wolf)
Buddy (surr_sloidah, 2019)
Bunker 16 (freeman08, 2014)
Captivity (DirtyLambStudio, 2019)
Close Your Eyes (Gamagam,i 2018)
Contemp (Micaka, 2017)
Cozy (Graham, 2016)
Dead Man’s Journey (Turnvex, 2016)
Death: Unknown (Jakob Johansson, 2013)
Decay: The Mare ( Shining Gate Software, 2015, Daedalic Entertainment)
Deep Sleep (scriptwelder, 2013)
Despair (AkrooS, 2015)
Devout (SearchForSignsCo, 2019)
DIA (Vidas Games, 2019)
Disconnected (chrstphfr, 2017)
Dispatch (Justin Kirkwood, 2020)
The Diving Bell (Rabbit Run Games, 2020)
The Dolls: Reborn (HUSH Interactive, 2016, Forever Entertainment S. A.)
Emily Wants To Play (Shawn Hitchcock, 2015, Hitchcock Games)
ER (Professional Villains, 2019)
Escape (David Zhang, 2020)
Evil Possession (2DragonsGames, 2017)
Expedition (WeeweeLSP, 2020)
Eyes (paulinapabis, 2013)
Faith (Airdorf Games 2017, O: Airdorf Games)
Feed Me Billy (puppet combo, 2018)
Filthbreed (bzoroza, 2019)
The Final One (Husky Dusky, 2016)
First Winter (Dan Sanderson, 2018)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (Scott Cawthon, 2014)
Forbidden Siren (Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., 2003)
Forgive Me (Churu, 2020)
Forgotten Hill Mementoes (FM Studio, 2018)
Forgotten Tapes (SethWorkStudios, 2019)
Fragments (Henry Hoare, 2019)
Frostbite (olinkalex, 2017)
Ghost of Tomorrow (Ed Lioni, 2020)
A Girl’s Fabric Face (Stanislaw Truchowski, 2017)
The Glass Staircase (Puppet Combo, 2019)
Heart of the Motherland (Russian Sleep Experiment) (thuleanpanteon, 2019)
Helltown (WildArts, 2017)
Heritage (Esciron Software, 2012)
HIDE (Andrew Shouldice, 2011)
Hollow Head (Rubeki, 2019)
House (Bark Bark Games, 2020)
House on the Hill (Steppe Hare Studio, 2020)
The House That Hell Built (zach mccoy, 2016)
Human (spektraulstudios, 2016)
I Make Saints (somewhat, 2017)
I Remember This Dream (InvisiblePanda, 2015)
Ib (kouri, 2012)
Imscared: A Pixelated Nightmare (MyMadness, 2012)
Inmates (Davit Andreasyan, 2017, Iceberg Interactive)
It Lies (TooManyTeethGames, 2019)
The Janitor (VOS Gaming, 2016)
The Journal of Randolph Warren Carter (Aaron Albert, 2016)
The Last Light (kpwashere, 2016)
Last Train Home (hby, 2020)
Late Night Wanderer (Nicholas Duxbury, 2017)
Layers of Fear (Bloober Team, 2016, Aspyr)
Lea (projectHandsoap, 2014)
Llorona (gamedevboi, 2020)
Lorelai (Harvester Games, 2019, Screen 7)
Lurking (lurkinggame, 2014)
Mermaid Swamp (Uri 2013)
The Momo Game (Caffeine, 2018, Cheesecake)
Mono: I Want to Get Out (JeliLiam, 2017)
Monstrum (Team Junkfish, 2015)
The Moon Sliver (David Szymanski, 2014)
Mor (Vikid Games, 2019)
My Friend Is A Raven (Two Star Games, 2019)
Night Blights (Trapdoor Games, 2015)
Notes of Obssession (Creaky Stairs Studios, 2016)
Now You See (Screaming Void, 2019)
One Night at Flumpty’s (Clickteam, Jonochrome, 2015)
Paranormal Entities (AI Heck, 2020)
Paratopic (Arbitrary Metric, 2018)
Paralyzis (JN Squared, 2020)
Perception (The Deep End Games, 2017)
Perdita (Azaxor, 2019)
Peridium (Powerhoof, 2017)
Phobia 1,5 (Jonez Games, 2014)
Power Drill Massacre (puppetcombo, 2015)
Precipice (AkwaTeaks, 2017)
Psychic Isolation (thiefbug, 2017)
Real Stories From the Grave (DeadByte, 2020)
The Restless (Dansodic, 2017)
Rhome (SMU Guildhall, 2020)
Ripple (Proton Fox, 2020)
Room 404 (3DTM, 2016)
Roots of Insanity (Crania Games, 2017)
Rusty Lake Hotel (Rusty Lake, 2015)
Sanctified (ToothandClaw, 2019)
Sandman (Uri, 2014)
SCP: Containment Breach (Joonas Rikkonen, 2012)
Serena (Senscape, 2014)
Shiver (Kowai Sugoi Studios, 2017)
A Short Creepy Tale: 7 PM (Cellar Vault Games, 2020)
Simulacrum - Chapter One (Prymordium, 2019)
Sirenhead (UndreanedPanic, 2020)
Sightless (Digital Dracott, 2014)
Slender: The Eight Pages (Parsec Productions, 2012)
The Society (Eyesodic Games, 2016)
Sonar (Nerdy Bird, 2011)
Song of Horror, Protocol Games, 2020 (Raiser Games)
Statues (Room710 Games, 2015)
Stifled (Gattai Games, 2016)
Stigmatized Property (Chilla’s Art, 2019)
Stowaway (Solar-Gate-Studios, 2013)
Submission (Corpselight, 2020)
The Survey (Robert Gammon, 2016)
The Swine (Vincent Lade, 2020)
Tanggal (Isip Games, 2018)
The Tape (Kazakov Oleg, 2015)
The Tithe (bzoroza, 2018)
Tonight You Die (Jack Squires, 2015)
The Train (The Unbeholden, 2013)
Vanish (3DrunkMen, 2013)
V.H.S: Video.Horror.Story (pinataMAN, 2017)
Wake Up ( Black Cell OG, 2016)
When I Sleep (Chixel, 2020)
Which (Mike Inel, 2010)
Witch’s House (Fummy, 2012)
Wrong Floor (N4bA, 2020)
Under the Bed (Khamelot, 2018)
Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Katarzyna Marak

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