Dynamika edukacyjna aktywistów i system produkcji filmowej Stowarzyszenia Otwarte Klatki

Słowa kluczowe

film production
animal studies
Open Cages Association
film education
social media

Jak cytować

Chuszcz, P. (2023). Dynamika edukacyjna aktywistów i system produkcji filmowej Stowarzyszenia Otwarte Klatki. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 31(40), 111–125. https://doi.org/10.14746/i.2022.40.06


The article aims to analyze the educational dynamics of activists and the film production system of the Open Cages Association (SOK). It is an organization that fights for the rights of ‘farm animals’ through campaign videos published on the internet. In video-activist film productions and through educating volunteers and authors of audiovisual materials, SOK is aims at the effectiveness and optimization of time and costs of work. For this reason, it uses non-formal and informal forms of education. This organizational approach resembles that of a corporate strategy and strengthens social inequalities (non-formal and informal education is not available to everyone). This is in contradiction with the postulate of SOK – equality of all animals. Nevertheless, the activities of the organization are recalibrated. SOK subordinates them to the primacy of effectiveness in acting for the benefit of non-human living beings. I reconstruct the experiences of activist-filmmakers on the basis of in-depth interviews I have carried out with members of the organization.



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