The main inspiration of my essay How the cinematographer can help the actor – an insider’s perspective on Joker is Lawrence Sher’s masterclass that took place on 1st December 2020 via Zoom. It was a masterclass for students of the Polish National Film School in Lodz and I had great honor to lead this workshop. In this article, I try to analyze how a cinematographer can help actor to make a great performance. My essay is a “case study” because I focus how cinematographic means create a story and serve the actor who likes to improvise.
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https://theasc.com/news/chapman-daviau-legacy-camerimage-2021 (dostęp: 20.12.2021)
https://theasc.com/videos/clubhouse-conversations-succession (dostęp: 7.04.2023)
Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Katarzyna Taras

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