Five questions on the character within the STAND UP COMEDY convention – based on the following shows: Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, and Head-hammering nails into the floor
The author presents the circumstances related to role construction, which can be formulated in the following questions: who, when, where, why, what for and how. The author utilizes the technique of five questions created by Konstanty Stanisławski to develop his own method designed for the STAND UP COMEDY convention. He analyses various theatre roles, taking into account time and space, as well as the other characters’ motives for action.
Braun K., 1998, Wprowadzenie do reżyserii, Warszawa.
Brook P., 1981, Pusta przestrzeń, Warszawa.
Miller H., 2003, Big Sur i pomarańcze Hieronima Boscha, Warszawa.
Shurtleff M., 1998, Przesłuchanie. Wszystko co aktor wiedzieć powinien, aby dostać rolę, Poznań.
Stanisławski K., 1953, Praca aktora nad sobą, cz. I, Warszawa.
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