Pavel Bednařík’s paper emphasizes the new era of Czech documentary, focusing on several issues and topics from contemporary Czech docs. Introducing the new era of Czech documentaries since the 1990s, Bednarik’s text depicts the development of its social and political background, including a new upheaval in the auteur documentary approach at FAMU, and leading to inspiration by professor and fi lmmaker Karel Vachek. A case study follows on the successful fi lm alliance between Vít Klusák and Filip Remunda producing the engaged “Czech Journal” for Czech Television within the new production scheme adopted aft er 2013.References
DO anthology 2/2004, pp. 197–204, published by IDFF Jihlava.
Starověrci (Old Believers, Jana Ševčíková, 2001).
Bezesné noci (Sleepless nights,Radim Špaček, 2001).
Hry prachu (Dust Games, Martin Mareček, 2002).
Bitva o život (Th e Battle of Life, Vit Janeček, Roman Vávra, Miroslav Janek).
Český sen (Czech Dream, Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda, 2004).
Ženy pro měny (Beauty Exchange, Erika Hníková, 2004).
Přes hranice (Accross the Border, Pawel Lozinski, Jan Gogola Jr., Peter.
Kerekes, Róbert Lakatos, Biljana Cakić-Veselič, 2004).
Zdroj (Source, Martin Mareček, 2005).
Kupředu levá, kupředu pravá (Forward Left, Forward Right, Linda Jablonská, 2006).
Ztracená dovolená (Lost Holiday, Lucie Králová, 2007).
Poustevna, das ist Paradies (Town Called Hermitage, Martin Dušek, Ondřej Provazník, 2007).
Občan Havel (Citizen Havel, Pavel Koutecky, Miroslav Janek, 2008).
Jak se vaří dějiny (Cooking History, Peter Kerekes, 2009).
Auto*mat (Martin Mareček, 2010).
Ženy SHR (Coal in the Soul, Martin Dušek, Ondřej Provazník, 2010).
Vše pro dobro světa a Nošovic (All for the Good of the World and Nosovice, Vít Klusák, 2011).
Pevnost (Th e Fortress, Lukáš Kokeš, Klára Tasovská, 2012).
Show! (Bohdan Bláhovec, 2013).
Dál nic (Beyond anything, Ivo Bystřičan, 2013).
Dobrý řidič Smetana (Good Driver Smetana, Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda, 2013).
Looking for President (Tomáš Kudrna, 2013).
Text of Jan Gogola: Documentary film documental: http://www.dokweb.net/cs/dokumentarni-sit/clanky/dokumentarni-cesky-film-dokumentalni-78/?off1560.
© by Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 2014