Self-reflexiveness in Photo-film Form as Illustrated by Zbigniew Czapla’s "Paper Box"
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film based on photographs
iconographic film
Paper Box
Zbigniew Czapla
photography in film
film genealogy
genre hybrid
fotografia filmowa
film ze zdjęć

How to Cite

Sulejewska, J. (2014). Self-reflexiveness in Photo-film Form as Illustrated by Zbigniew Czapla’s "Paper Box". Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 15(24), 113–118.


The article interprets Paper Box by Zbigniew Czapla as an example of iconographic film and suggests that the genre be renamed photo-film. An analysis of particular means of film expression and photographic metaphors leads to seeing photo-film as a synthesis of various media, going beyond the world of cinema in terms of genealogy.
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References [accessed: April 3rd 2014].

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