Posthuman echoes, apocalyptic tones and animal noises in Bong Joon-ho’s films
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science fiction film
Bong Joon-ho
animal studies
apocalyptic narratives
ecological catastrophes

How to Cite

Loska, K. (2021). Posthuman echoes, apocalyptic tones and animal noises in Bong Joon-ho’s films. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 28(37), 151–166.


The subject of the analysis in this article are three films by Bong Joon-ho: The Host (2006), Snowpiercer (2013) and Okja (2017), considered from the posthumanist perspective. A starting point is Donna Haraway’s suggestion that science-fiction stories should be treated as a tool for speculative thinking. Then, I point to the way the Korean film director demonstrates his critical reflection on the effects of climate change, deepening economic inequalities, the impact of global capitalism and the biopolitical model of the governance. The main aim is to seek out the possible strategies of resistance which enable humans to change their attitude to other species (Okja) and to ask a question about the scope of human freedom, the effects of our interference in the functioning of the biosphere (Snowpiercer) and the results of genetic modifications of animals.
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