Opowieść reżysera, który chce być reżyserowany

Słowa kluczowe

Jacek Bławut
movie character

Jak cytować

Pławuszewski, P. (2012). Opowieść reżysera, który chce być reżyserowany. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 10(19), 174–177. https://doi.org/10.14746/i.2012.19.19


A Tale of a Director Who Wants to Be Directed

The review A Tale of a Director Who Wants to Be Directed concerns a book written by Jacek Bławut (A Character in a Documentary). Notable Polish filmmaker sums up some of his artistic achievements (not without mentioning the future plans), trying to explain his view on a co-operation with a movie character (especially due to a documentary genre), but also on a directing itself. The review follows the vital points of the book, placing them under two general categories: “author” and “character”. It also recalls (with no abbreviation) something that’s been called as “Dogmas or what’s important for me” – these are ten “rules” that Jacek Bławut (as a director) tries to adapt to all of his film doings.



Jacek Bławut, Bohater w filmie dokumentalnym, Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Filmowej, Telewizyjnej i Teatralnej, Łódź 2010.