Reformator i statysta albo hulaka na metafizyczną skalę. O dwóch portretach cara Iwana Groźnego w kinie rosyjskim

Słowa kluczowe

Sergei Eisenstein
Pavel Lungin
Ivan the Terrible
the Russian film
historical film
the history of the film

Jak cytować

Szpulak, A. (2013). Reformator i statysta albo hulaka na metafizyczną skalę. O dwóch portretach cara Iwana Groźnego w kinie rosyjskim. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 12(21), 334–341.


Reformer and Outstanding Politician or Rake on a Metaphysical Scale. Two Portraits of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in Russian Cinema

The text is an attempt to define the specificity of portraits of the first Russian Tsar, Ivan the Terrible, in the field of historiography and culture, including popular culture. This characteristic is referred then to the analysis of two films – S. Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible (1944-1946) and P. Lungin’s Tsar (2009). These films depict two different interpretations of the historical figure presented above all in Russian discourse. On the one hand (Eisenstein), Ivan is seen as a prominent politician engaged in a state-building strategy; on the other (Lungin), he is above all a crazy criminal.


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