Two Voices about Poznań Studio of Animation Films
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Production culture
qualitative research
narrative interview
Poznań Studio of Animation Films
screenplay of a film adaptation
public funds in radio and television broadcasting
law on radio and television broadcasting

How to Cite

Sobolewska, E., & Zamojski, J. (2013). Two Voices about Poznań Studio of Animation Films. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 13(22), 115–132.


The article relates to the studio both as an institution which has operated for three decades in different economic systems and various legal and organisations forms and as a creative team that has made films. The authors are: Ewa Sobolewska, a film producer associated with the Studio since the very beginning, its president for over ten years to date, and Jan Zamojski, an academic and script writer cooperating with the Studio as the author of adaptations and scripts for the films of the series Fourteen Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia by Leszek Kołakowski. The article adopts a perspective of Production Culture studies initiated by J.T. Caldwell, with the use of the so-called emic perspective and a narrative interview. It is composed of a methodological part and authors’ comments to the questions they posed to each other. The narratives provide impressions from the period of developing the concept of the film and from the film set itself. They also contain more general self-reflections on the role of the script writer and the role of the producer in the creation of a film and reflections on the role of the Poznań Studio of Animation Films for the culture of film, including its local aspect.
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