The text refers to two documentary projects that were created by well-known Polish documentary film directors: Maciej Drygas and Mirosław Dembiński. The first one, Łódź from Dawn till Dusk, was made as a part of the education program at the Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź in 2007. For several years, students in the second year of the Directing Department made short films about Łódź, forming out of this mosaic, images of the city from dawn till dusk. After having been experienced in Łódź, the project led to the idea of using this method to describe various cities around the world. Finally, five films were made in five different cities under the auspices of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. This article concentrates on the analysis of the structure of these films and the images of the cities that emerge out of them.References
Świat od świtu do zmierzchu, 2012 na płytach DVD.
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T. Sobolewski, Polska Szkoła Dokumentu: Marcel Łoziński, Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny 2006 [online], http://www.nina.gov.pl/ninateka/czytnik/detal/2012/02/28/Marcel_Lozinski_opisy_filmow_dvd_1 [dostęp: 28 czerwca 2013].
T. Rutkowska, Od redakcji, „Kwartalnik Filmowy” 1999, nr 28, s. 4.
J. Petrycki, Kiedy jeszcze lubiliśmy rejestrować świat, w: Kino Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego, pod red. T. Lubelskiego, Universitas, Kraków 1997, s. 185.
M. Jazdon, Dokumenty Kieślowskiego, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2002, s. 152.
© by Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 2013