Criticism of Stalinism in 1950: André Bazin’s analysis of Stalinist era cinema
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Andre Bazin
Georges Sadoul
soviet films
French film critique

How to Cite

KLEBERG, L. (2016). Criticism of Stalinism in 1950: André Bazin’s analysis of Stalinist era cinema. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 18(27), 5–18.


Criticism of Stalinism in 1950: André Bazin’s analysis of Stalinist era cinema

The main purpose of the article is to analyze attempts at a critique of Stalinism in cinematography in the work of the outstanding French film theorist and critic Andre Bazin. Through a comparison of Bazins opinions with statements by his adversary Georges Sadoul, Lars Kleberg shows the vast context of the debate on this topic, which occurred in France in the 1950s.
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