Semantic issues of film. A contribution to the theory of creating the human character on the screen
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semantic issues of film
contribution to the theory of the creation of human character on screen

How to Cite

ŻEBROWSKI, E. (2016). Semantic issues of film. A contribution to the theory of creating the human character on the screen. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 18(27), 217–234.


Semantic issues of film. A contribution to the theory of creating the human character on the screen

Edward Żebrowskiss masters thesis “Semantyczne zagadnienia dzieła filmowego. Przyczynek do teorii budowy postaci człowieka na ekranie” (“Semantic issues of film. Contribution to the theory of the creation of human character on screen”), which he defended in 1965, has not yet been published as a whole nor in any part. In his work, Żebrowski focuses on the issue of creating film characters, understood as part of the film material, deliberately omitting the aspect of acting. Using broad the- oretical contexts the author arrives at practical conclusions related to filmmaking
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