“We’ll repaint it all”. The use of color as a storytelling device in Agnieszka Woszczyńska’s Fragments
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Agnieszka Woszczyńska
color in film

How to Cite

ROJEK, P. (2016). “We’ll repaint it all”. The use of color as a storytelling device in Agnieszka Woszczyńska’s Fragments. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 18(27), 235–246. https://doi.org/10.14746/i.2016.27.17.


“We’ll repaint it all”. The use of color as a storytelling device in Agnieszka Woszczyńska’s Fragments

In her short Fragments Agnieszka Woszczyńska applies film color as a storytelling device. Oscillating between the natural and expressionistic use of color, she builds not only a characters outer world but also an image of the characters unspoken motivations. The article contains a profound color analysis of Fragments that covers such issues as the functioning of ocularcentrism as a film leitmotiv and the appearance of the focalizer in film narration.

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