Japanese animation and folklore in narratives about national identity
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Seo Mitsuyo
Japanese animation

How to Cite

BOCHNIARZ, M., & YOSHIDA, I. (2023). Japanese animation and folklore in narratives about national identity. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 18(27), 339–345. https://doi.org/10.14746/i.2016.27.23.


Japanese animation and folklore in narratives about national identity

This paper studies the activity of Japanese directors who decided to make film adaptations of the Momotaro story, a classic legend based on Japanese folklore and the most popular one in the modern period. This activity is studied within the framework of cultural politics. The works examined belong to the early period of Japanese animation and war propaganda films, as well as studio-based anime productions which were made in the postwar period.

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