Review Process

  1. Only texts which have been pre-qualified by the Editorial Board of “Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication” are submitted for review.

  2. The review process is overseen by the Editor-in-Chief and the editors of each volume, who appoint two reviewers both from outside the Institute of Film, Media and Audiovisual Arts at the Adam Mickiewicz University and the author’s affiliation. They aim to evaluate the work fairly, substantively and independently of each other. If the article is written in a language other than Polish, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign research institution.

  3. Reviewers and authors of texts do not know each other’s identities (double-blind review process).

  4. Reviewers shall submit a statement of non-conflict of interest before starting the work.

  5. The review includes an assessment of the legitimacy of the publication of the work (i.e., article, text), determines the relevance of the issue addressed and its originality or breakthrough against the background of other research in the same field. The reviewer points out possible defects and factual errors. When necessary, he confirms the need to correct the text.

  6. Reviewers fill out a form in which they recommend publication of the article in the issue or its rejection. The reviewer has the right to make his final conclusion subject to the possibility of reading the text after corrections according to the guidelines proposed in the form. Then the Editorial Board of “Images” presents the suggestions to the author, sets a deadline for referring to them, and after the corrections are made, asks the reviewer to respond to the text again.

  7. In special situations (for example, when an article receives two mutually exclusive reviews) a third reviewer is appointed.

  8. Authors are provided with review forms for consultations, with previously deleted reviewers’ data.

  9. In a separate place on the “Images” website, the Editorial Board posts a complete list of reviewers from previous years. In addition, you can also find a list of regular reviewers who cooperate with the journal.

  10. The above review procedure is in line with the recommendations of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, published in the brochure Good Practices in Review Procedures in Science.