Invitation to publish in a new issue 58/2 (2022) of “Neofilolog” (a Journal of the Polish Association of Modern Languages) entitled "Language education of students with special educational needs"

We invite you to submit scientific papers addressing language education of students with special educational needs (SEN). By the term we mean both students with statements, as well as those who have difficulties in meeting curriculum requirements resulting from:

  • the specificity of their cognitive-perceptual functioning (gifted, deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired, with autism and Asperger's syndrome, ADHD, intellectual disability, specific learning difficulties: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography),
  • environmental factors (refugee or immigrant status, socially disadvantaged)
  • the specifics of their health functioning (depression, motor disability, serious communication disorders, chronic illness)


Exemplary concepts and topics to be addressed by authors:

  • organization of language education (programs, learning outcomes)
  • innovative approaches, methods, tools, implementations 
  • teaching language subsystems and skills 
  • individual differences in language learning and teaching
  • education and in-service training of foreign language teachers working in SEN environment


Texts should be submitted by February 25, 2022 using the platform. Editorial requirements and information on the editorial process are available on the journal's website.

Your texts in congress languages will be welcome.


Issue Editor

dr Małgorzata Jedynak: