Obszary badawcze glottodydaktyki

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Wilczyńska, W. . (2019). Obszary badawcze glottodydaktyki. Neofilolog, (34), 21–35. https://doi.org/10.14746/n.2010.34.3


Glottodidactics is obviously to be seen as a rather new discipline, situated between the humanities and social sciences. This area of studies is delineated first of all by its object and research aims. Although there is a clear consensus about defining this object as L2 teaching/learning, it seems much harder to agree on how to structure this area in a tenable way. This article will argue in favor of organizing the field of glottodidactics in a way that would be propitious for the discipline as a whole, and for studies conducted within it. Further, a proposal is formulated to arrange this field around a central axis which could, in the author’s view, be the process of fostering learners’ communicative competence.



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