Zmienna norma pedagogiczna a postawy ucznia wobec nauki języka obcego
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zmienna norma pedagogiczna
postawy wobec nauki języka obcego
świadomość językowa


Lankiewicz, H. (2017). Zmienna norma pedagogiczna a postawy ucznia wobec nauki języka obcego. Neofilolog, (48/2), 183–198.


Referring to critical ecological language awareness (Lankiewicz, 2015), autonomy in language learning (Benson, 2011) as well as the non-fixity of the linguistic code manifested by sociocultural and ecological studies (Harris, 1981; Otsuji and Pennycook, 2010), I put forth the need of applying the idea of a variable pedagogical norm, as postulated by Valdman (1989; 1992). The principal objective of the article is to present research elucidating the fact that the use of classroom activities respecting the pedagogical variable norm may contribute to the raising of students’ language awareness in respect to social and cultural linguistic diversity. Ultimately, this new awareness may contribute to the shift of attitudes towards language learning. The application of the variable pedagogical norm is indicative of critical language awareness of the teacher and helps develop a similar equivalent among students. Concluding, I dare say that developing autonomy in language learning seems impossible without the application of the pedagogical variable norm.
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