The impact of Second Life on changes in levels of L2 motivation, language anxiety and boredom among students of English philology
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Second Life
changes in the levels of motivation
language anxiety and boredom
the complex dynamic systems

How to Cite

Zawodniak, J., & Kruk, M. (2018). The impact of Second Life on changes in levels of L2 motivation, language anxiety and boredom among students of English philology. Neofilolog, (50/1), 65–85.


The first, theoretical, part of the present paper is devoted to the characteristics of the affective variables of motivation, language anxiety and boredom as situated within the framework of complex dynamic systems. The second part discusses results obtained from a six-month research project intended to examine the effect of Second Life on four English philology students’ changes in levels of motivation, language anxiety and boredom. The data, collected via a personal questionnaire, learner diary and evaluation questionnaire, underwent both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
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