Council of Europe and European Commission initiatives supporting reflection on foreign language learning and teaching processes
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reflection in language education
Council of Europe docu-ments
European Commission initiatives
Autobiog-raphy of Intercultural Encounters
Lifelong Learning Programme

How to Cite

Jedynak, M. (2019). Council of Europe and European Commission initiatives supporting reflection on foreign language learning and teaching processes. Neofilolog, 1(43/1), 95–109.


In the era of globalisation a command of foreign languages is regarded as a priority. For this reason, the Council of Europe and the European Commission promote language learning and linguistic diversity. A focal point in their language policy is reflection, which is recognized as a key feature of an employee’s professionalism. Therefore, the importance of reflection is stressed throughout all the years of language education. The objective of this paper is to give information about the documents, tools and actions which support a reflective approach to language learning and teaching in Europe.
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