Acquisition of linguistic complexity by learners with speech and language deficits in the context of inclusive education
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special educational needs
linguistic complexity
language acquisition and learning
speech and language deficits
inclusive education

How to Cite

Karpińska-Szaj, K. ., & Lewandowska, A. (2021). Acquisition of linguistic complexity by learners with speech and language deficits in the context of inclusive education. Neofilolog, (56/2), 259–281.


The article reports on an action research study which uses reformulation as its key instrument. The aim of the study was to identify the individual characteristics of acquisition of complex structures in Polish (native language) and English (foreign language) by children with speech and language deficits, learning in an inclusive environment at the upper primary level. The analysis of the gathered data focuses on Polish and English structures used by special needs students and mainstream students in their inclusive educational environment, and on the students’ ability to build/reconstruct a narrative structure – according to the unique qualities of the input text. The observed trends help to plan and organise the teaching process, which also includes the rehabilitation of speech and language in a foreign language lesson.
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