The main goal of this article is to describe the legal status and situation of disabled learners in Poland, the UK and in other European countries. The author wishes to analyze whether the trends advocated by the principles of Political Correctness (PC) have influenced the language used in the educational context, and, in particular, towards students of special education needs (SEN). The article attempts to demonstrate that neither English nor Polish are sufficiently polite in terms of describing, categorizing, evaluating or naming all the learners, who, owing to their mental or physical impairment, have Special Educational Needs.
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Rzeżnicka-Krupa J., „Językowy obraz niepełnosprawności (komunikat z badań)”. W: Integracja osób niepełnosprawnych, (red.) Kazanowski Z., Osik-Chudowolska D., Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2003, 87 – 88.
Strong, J. and M. Flanagan. 2005. AD/HD For Dummies. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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Smyth, B. “How do we meet the challenge of diversity?” in SCAN vol. 24 no.3 August 2005; http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/media/downloads/schoolsweb/studentsupport/programs/disability/challenge.pdf DW 15.11.2007.
Ustawa z dnia 7 września 1991 r. o systemie oświaty (tekst jednolity Dz. U. z 1996 r., Nr 67, poz. 329 z późniejszymi zmianami
The Disability and Discrimination Act (1995)
Children Act (1989),
The Education Act (1996)
Special Education Needs Code of Practice (2001)
© Iwona Dronia 1970
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