The purpose of this article is to show how action research is used as a research method in foreign language didactics. Six articles have been chosen from refereed journals and analyzed in respect to such categories as research questions and problems, research aims, the relationship between research participants and researcher, research procedures, data collection methods, results and research quality. This initial analysis reveals that action research studies (1) do not easily fall into one distinct research paradigm, (2) can be both quantitative and qualitative, or mixed, (3) collaboration of research participants is often very limited, and (4) there are problems with quality criteria.
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Mavor, S. 2001. „Socio-culturally appropriate methodologies for teaching and learning in a Portuguese university”. Teaching in Higher Education 6. 183-201.
McFee, G. 1993. „Reflections on the nature of action research”. Cambridge Journal of Education 23. 173-183.
Michońska-Stadnik, A. i Szulc-Kurpaska, M. (red.) 1997. Action research in the Lower Silesia Cluster Colleges with Prince Project. Legnica: Orbis Linguarum.
Newman, I., Ridenour, C. S., Newman, C. i DeMarco, G. M. P. 2003. „A typology of research purposes and its relationship to mixed methods”, w: Tashakkori, A. i Teddlie, C. (red.). 2003. 167-188.
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Nunan, D. 1988. The learner-centered curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Pilch, T. i Bauman, T. 2001. Zasady badań pedagogicznych. Strategie ilościowe i jakościowe. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie „Żak”.
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Schachter, J. i Gass, S. (red.). 1996. Second language classroom research. Issues and opportunities. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Such, J. i Szcześniak, M. 1997. Filozofia nauki. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
Sztumski, J. 1999. Wstęp do metod i technik badań społecznych. Katowice: Śląsk.
Tashakkori, A. i Teddlie, C. (red.). 2003. Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wallace, M. J. 1991. Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wilson, H. N. 2004. „Towards rigour in action research: A case study in marketing planning”. European Journal of Marketing 38. 378-400.
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