Le feedback est-il toujours motivant ? Les attitudes des bacheliers polonophones de classes bilingues envers la rétroaction corrective écrite


nauka języków
ocenianie kształtujące
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Comment citer

Lipińska, J. . (2021). Le feedback est-il toujours motivant ? Les attitudes des bacheliers polonophones de classes bilingues envers la rétroaction corrective écrite. Neofilolog, (56/1), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.14746/n.2021.56.1.4


Feedback is one of the key tools used to regulate the process of learning. In order to be effective, it must provide the students with accurate information and guidelines concerning their work by not only showing them mistakes, but also pointing out what they already know and giving advice to help them improve their skills. Poorly executed feedback may damage the students’ motivation instead of reinforcing it. Thus, it is important to know how students perceive different feedback techniques and how they react to them. To answer these questions, we led a research among Polish bilingual high school students learning French. We asked them about their preferences concerning feedback and about its perceived influence on their motivation. The results show students prefer detailed comments which show them positive and negative aspects of their work, without harming their self-esteem, i.e. by giving feedback in front of their peers. Such practices, according to students, have a beneficial effect on their motivation.



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