Legal aspects of ensuring the safety of water as a foodstuff


water safety
right to water
food safety
food security

How to Cite

Leśkiewicz, K. (2024). Legal aspects of ensuring the safety of water as a foodstuff. Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, (2(35), 99–111.


The purpose of the discussion is to determine the relationship of the regulation of the right to water with the requirements of its safety for health and life against the background of the concepts of food safety and food security. The author comes to the conclusion that due to the presence of a requirement to guarantee availability of water in general, which is contained in the requirements of drinking water, there exists a link between the regulation of water safety and its availability in different perspectives that may be described as a relationship of dominance or even superiority of the right to water over the regulation of the safety of water as a product. Keeping in mind the nature of the obligations of the Member States regarding the implementation of EU directives articulated in the case law of the Court of Justice, the right to water should be a matter of result.


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