Publishing policy
Publication schedule: Legal History Journal is a semi-annual journal, published at the end of each half-year in electronic version (OA). The Editorial Board may decide to publish a thematic issue as part of the regular publishing schedule or release an additional special issue.
The electronic version is the primary version of the journal from 2021. The Editorial Board may also decide to publish a print edition using the assigned ISSN number.
Article submission, the review process and publication in CPH are free of charge.
Texts published in CPH are protected by their own copyright provisions. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. By submitting a manuscript for publication in the journal, the Author consents to publication on an open access basis and allows the text to be placed on platforms and in online databases that disseminate scientific research results, while retaining full copyright to the work.
The publisher provides immediate open access (Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)) to all journal content. The Editors encourage authors to submit articles published in CPH (the publisher’s final version) to open access repositories, provided that a link to the journal website and the DOI number of the article is provided.
CPH takes part in the Initiative for Open Citations I4OC and follows the principles of the cOAlition S Plan.
Long-term access to the journal is preserved in the PKP Preservation Network.